Wednesday, 20 May 2015

At Mount Maunganui

On easter day in the holidays Charlie ,Jack and i went biscuiting at Mount Maunganui. We went because the water was clear , smooth and just the right water for biscuiting on a easter day.
First we pulled the sandy wet boat out of the old garage ,then we put on our tight body glove wet suits on ,which we found them under 1000's of other things. Then we heard mum calling ,lunch ,lunch so us three ran to the table to find a big fest and then we jumped into and started to eat after that we had hoped into the car and drove down to the port of Tauranga  and dropped the boat into the smooth water.
we hoped onto the sandy wet stabicraft and zoomed across the harbour to the other side to drop off some gear, for if we fell of.
Then Charlie ,Jack and i jumped onto the biscuit then the boat started moving, WOOSH the biscuit moved as the boat picked up speed and zoom around the harbour with us three on the back the we do some sharp corners and get some air then SLASH 
Jack fly's off skimming the water like a stone ,then we stopped and jack got back on again, then we went back to the beach and headed home and got some food.
                                                             THE END

                                                                      Image result for mount maunganui


  1. Nice Story I liked how you described the water

  2. Ethan you described the boat really well
    Awesome Recount !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
